We use video tapping and selling simulations as a way of strengthening performance. Watching yourself is the one of the best ways to improve soft skills which increases overall results.

Questioning Skills

Questioning Skills

Knowing the right questions to ask can dramatically move a sales call forward. The greatest benefit of good questioning is it uncovers the buyer’s true need or reveals any obstacles they may have to buying. You will learn what questions to ask and the art of asking second, third, and even fourth level questions.

Closing Techniques

Closing Techniques

Many sales reps are great at explaining all the neat bells and whistles about their product but when it comes to asking for the business, some get very nervous and freeze up. When you’ve earned the right to close, it will be natural and flow with ease.



Things that are presented in a memorable way have a lasting effect on people. Selling through storytelling is one of the best ways to create a positive impression which can put your product above the competition in the mind of the buyer.

Sales Process

Sales Process

One of the biggest mistakes sales people make is assuming they are ready to make an effective sales call when they know very little about the buyer’s decision making process. Without a good sales process, a deal can be stuck in the funnel for an additional 18 months or longer.