Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
We live in a polarized world where our differences have divided us on many issues. The “us” against “them” mentality has created an intolerance that hasn’t been seen since the sixties. The problem is, we don’t know what we don’t know. How many of us truly understand unconscious bias, hidden discrimination, or tokenism? We’re all created equal, let’s highlight our similarities and support our differences. This course will open your eyes to things you’ve probably never thought about. This is important because when you know better, you do better!

Leading Without Authority
This is tricky because it takes special skills and ability to earn people’s respect, enough to get them to let you lead them. It’s especially tricky when they don’t report directly to you. It’s difficult enough to manage people who are your subordinates, now ask yourself this question; why would anyone want to be led by me?

Interviewing Techniques
Guess how many managers don’t think they need to strengthen their interviewing skills. The number is higher than you think. Part of the job requirement for a manager is to hire and train employees but who teaches the manager the skills needed to be an effective interviewer? It’s just assumed that once you make it to the supervisory level, you automatically know how to be an effective interviewer. Where some professions do train their people on how to interview, the vast majority does not. Great interviewing skills cut down on the turnover rate and puts the right person in the right position.

Creating Clarity

When confusion is removed and people have clarity they are often placed in the right roles, doing the job for which they are most suited. Clarity issues account for huge mistakes, lack of productivity and missed goals. This is one of those hidden areas that causes people to say, “I thought you meant…?”

Driving Engagement

When people are empowered, they become motivated to excel. As a leader you have to know how to get the most out of your people. We all respond to different channels of communication and the wrong forum will achieve the opposite desired effect.

Lead, Motivate, and Inspire

Leading and motivating is a main function of people management, it’s not as easy as it seems, however. There is a lot of psychology behind knowing how to work with different personalities and what it takes to lead and inspire them. Don’t take this for granted, this is the difference between being a good manager and being a lousy one.

Setting Others Up For Success

One of the most gratifying things we can achieve as managers is developing someone and having them get promoted to a higher level of responsibility within the organization. There is a “Red Herring” here however, make sure the person getting promoted has
earned it and not been promoted because of favoritism, that will divide a company quickly.

Change Matters

Companies go through change, it’s inevitable. The important thing is the way you process it, deal with it, and how it feels. We live in an ever-changing world where it’s important to be able to successfully navigate our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
This is paramount to balancing the uncertain.

Performance Management

The easy way out is to just fire the low performing person. However, their low performance may not be entirely their fault. The question to ask yourself is have you provided the resources they need, and have they been coached well? Effective performance
management turns a person around, preserves their job, and creates a highly motivated employee.